Thursday, July 21, 2011

Suppling the brain and the body

Training in the path of the channels "helps to eliminate defects from the channels, winds and drops, making them very clear and flexible and preventing us for contracting diseases associated with them. if these three elements are supple the body as a whole will also be supple. This is because the channels, winds and drops pervade the entire body. It is very important for a meditator's body to be comfortable and flexible because this helps the mind to became clear and lucid, and a clear mind makes meditation powerful."

"The peaceful method may take slightly longer but it is a much smoother process. When the winds are brought into the central channel in this way they enter very gently and smoothly, and without the mental and physical side effects that could result from disturbing the channels, winds and drops. Those who can practice this peaceful method successfully do not need to meditate on the body as being hollow because for them there is no danger of wind or channel diseases. Je Tsongkhapa explained that the peaceful method is superior to the forceful one."

"The four places where these knots occur are four of the six major channel wheels. At each of the six major channel wheels a different number of spokes, or petals, branch off from the central channel in the same way that ribs of an umbrella branch off from the central pole."
Clear light of bliss: the practice of Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism

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